Read This

This post over at Ace of Spades HQ is required reading. I’ll give you a couple of qotes and a summary, but really, read the whole thing. It’s well worth it.

I don’t know how she [the odious Lena Dunham] squares her criticism of men who are unwilling to make pointless chit-chat with a woman they don’t know ans also aren’t interested in with the internet feminist freakout about men trying to get the attention of women who are unwilling to make pointless chit-chat with men they don’t know and aren’t interested in.


What Lena Dunham experienced is what the very same “trolls” of the RedPill and PUA community have experienced: the bruising, painful communication that someone you think is attractive doesn’t find you attractive. That someone you find worthy doesn’t also find you worthy.

There is no difference between men and women on this score, except for one, which i’ll get to in a minute. All men have suffered the pains of rejection, and have had a bad night as the mulled over the sad fact that yet another person in the world doesn’t think they’re worth any romantic energy.

From there, Ace goes on to talk about how, since men are supposed to be the initiators of any romantic contact, women who aren’t in the top 10% of physical attractiveness experience the pain of waiting for attention that may or may not come. He then goes on to say that for men who are similarly situation, being the initiator is no picnic either. No guy likes summoning up the gumption to approach a woman only to be shot down and/or laughed at. [And, I’ll add, these days, often excoriated on social media after the fact.]

Point being, both sexes have their crosses to bear in the world of sex and romance. The super attractive people, largely because they’re more active than the rest of us, give us a false idea of how things are supposed to work.

But feminists have taken the female experience of this and made it some kind of male crime to either A) approach a woman who’s not attracted to him, or B) if she is attracted to him, NOT to approach her.

Feminists can complain all they want, but men know that whether or not a feminist gets her hackles up about receiving unsolicited make attention has pretty much everything to do with whether or not she’s attracted to him. On the sitcom “How I Met Your Mother” they dubbed it “The Dobbler/Dahmer Effect.” That is, the same behavior will be percieved much MUCH different depending on whether the guy is a Dobbler (Lloyd Dobbler from “Say Anything” a guy perceived as attractive and passionate) or a Dahmer (the infamous serial killer – a guy perceived as creepy and stalkerish). Men also know that the Lena Dunhams of the world will only complain about being ignored by men if they’re attracted to those men.

Seriously, read Ace’s post. It’s rather wide ranging and a summary really can’t do it justice.

Author: Ortho Stice

I was the number two seed at Enfield Tennis Academy before I had that little incident with the window.